Thursday, April 23, 2009


Just thought I would write down a weird little something inspired by my dad. At 18 I got a tattoo. At 18 my dad saw my tattoo and freaked out. He has never liked the whole idea of it.......ever.
Skip forward ten years. I have one adorable dog, and he is almost as weird as my dad. One day a few months after I got Toby I had to take him into the vet so I took him to work with me. The next day my dad was almost put out that I didn't bring the dog. So ever since Toby goes to work with me. He owns that shop and its where he goes to play and get tattoos.
Get tattoos you ask? Yes, every few days my strange father gets his sharpie and writes things on the underside of Toby's ears. At first I tried to strongly discourage this practice because I hate it. That always seems to ad fuel to the fire. He has had some interesting tattoos.....when the Olympics were on his ears said Team USA. I really had to draw the line when my dad was watching some Holocaust show on the History Channel and he drew a swastica in there. It was kindof embarassing to try and explain to the UPS guy why my dog is racist.
I have no idea why I made a post about this, but there it is....good memories.

1 comment:

  1. How did i not know you had a blog! Geez louise. It completely made my day to find you.
