Monday, January 12, 2009

I have discovered one thing about lasers

If it isnt hurting while you are getting it done, oh boy will you pay later. I am in the process of getting my tattoo removed and everytime I go in there, I weep a little inside. It sucks so bad. I have mini blood blisters all over my back. Lets talk to the 18 year old Kira and have a chat. Kira, you may not want your tattoo, however cool you think it is at this time.
When I went in to get numbed the lady said oh your back is really coming out. Man I bet you wish you got the whole thing black. Now if I am in there getting it removed and i could wish anything about the tattoo I would have probably wished that I didnt get it at all. Makes sense to me. People are dumb.
Also I was in one super bitch mode today. I dont have those days often but everything anyone said or did, made my blood boil. I even knew it was completely me being stupid but I would get irritated.
Oh for better days


  1. I feel for you friend. That sounds awful! I love you even if you are grouchy somedays.
    Hey, I'm coming to visit Utah the end of January. I'll be there on the 28th. I would love to spend some time with you. Olive Garden? Big Love? Whatever you want to do.. I am in! Loves XOXO
