I got a request from many on facebook about 25 random things about yourself. I actually had a hard time thinking of 25 things that would be interesting enough to post on there. Since this was such hard work, I thought I would add it to the blog as well. Two for the price of one.
1. In high school my friends and I would do "RaceTrack". This consisted of a Ford Taurus full of girls Starting in back of what was, at the time, Frontier Pies flooring it while we passed Gart Sports and adjoining shops and behind Shopco there was a huge drop (so it was like a hill). The feeling of being airborne is quite exhilarating. This happened over and over until Erin's mom realized she no longer owned a muffler that was attached to said Taurus. All good things must come to an end.
2. In the same Taurus we would also go "Four wheeling". It consisted of speeding through open fields. This ended when Erin's dad asked why there were weeds stuck to the under carriage of the car.
3. I have two adorable neices....The Grunter and Terradactyl. They were born a week apart.
4. I make sock puppets resembling people I know.
5. I joined Scrapbook club. The first rule about Scrapbook Club is you don't talk about Scrapbook Club. The second rule about Scrapbook Club is you don't talk about Scrapbook club.
I have already said too much.
6. I think the Access of Evil has some different components. Some of them include: anyone else's toenail or fingernail clippings or bodily fluids, paying too much for anything, sleeping problems, putting away laundry, grocery shopping, the landscape of Southern Utah, doughnuts (only because I love them and dont want to) and Im sure there is many more, just cant recall right now.
7. I am currently obsessed with the Tetris application on here.
8. I am going to New York to visit the dragon a week from today. I am so excited I can barely function.
9. My dog joins me almost everywhere. We do take breaks from each other when I am doing hair, and when I am going somewhere that doesn't allow dogs such as 7-11 and Costco.
10. I have had 28 jobs. One for every year I have been alive.
11. I grew up in a pack of boys.
12. My sister just realized I am funny.
13. I try and grow my hair out on a regular basis, start to look like a soccer mom, and cut it. In my world there is a certain level of sass that comes with short hair.
14. I worked on a cruise ship for a short stint of time, hated every second of it and came home early.
15. I have to fight the Shy in me everyday, until I become nervous or comfortable, then say too much, like my edit button breaks. I do tend to be blunt, which I embrace in myself.
16. I love TV but cant just sit and watch it. I have to be doing something else.
17. I give everybody nicknames.
18. I lived in Long Beach for 2 years as a child, and the only thing I can remember about this was the stairs at our apartment were hard, and I dropped my piggy bank on them, and it broke and I was upset. I also remember coming home, I was with my Grandpa in a little red Datsun truck, and I remember seeing the dessert case in some restaurant we stopped in, and it was round and would rotate all these pies and cakes. I also remember seeing mountains and being fascinated.
19. My Grandma used to take me and my cousins to swim in Utah Lake. It was such a thrill at the time and now I wonder why I haven't grown an extra limb or something. I did like that I could walk as far as I could see and never have it get too deep. The gross slimy sludge at the bottom was not a like.
20. I have seen a cow get slaughtered, hung upside down to be drained and a chicken get its neck broken, which was actually pretty traumatic cause then the headless chicken chased me around the yard, which I did not like at all.
21. I have had a criminal arrested mid haircut. Cops came in, asked me to step away from him, and arrested him. They were hauling him out, and I had to run and ask for my cape back.
22. I have an amazing family.
23. I have discovered I don't like musicals. Give me a play any day but just don't sing.
24. The Dragon and I have lived in 4 different places together.
25. I have a hard time thinking of 25 things about myself.