Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rants of Pants!

Why is it that they don't make jeans for the ladies that don't show off major butt crack? This is not a good look on ANYONE. Skinny, fat, old, young plumbers crack is never acceptable. I have bought a few pairs of jeans the last few months (due to not fitting into any of the "goal" jeans I own) and they all have one thing in common.....a few sits and BAM there is my bum. I know everyone in my life is used to this by now but I will not accept butt! There are not enough long shirts in the world for me to cover where my jeans should be. I think I will bring back the mom/school teacher jeans that look like they are engulfing the bottom half of your body. Jeans that can touch your bra are probably not gonna show butt crack right? (PS that is not my bum)


  1. Arghh! I know! I hate hate hate when I have butt cleavage. I recently discovered Lee jeans at Khols... they don't quite look like juniors jeans but they are not quite mom jeans either and they have a deliciously secret elastic waist band... no one knows about it but you. Ahhh! They are bliss I tell you... no more crack!

  2. sick. at first i was sure you posted your bum. love your last post by the way. made me miss you.

  3. Well you have probably seen my bum peeking out of my pants....and thought you recognized it.

  4. I love this one, and couldn't agree more!

  5. So right! Can't there be a happy medium between showing my butt or covering my belly button?
